[Wednesday, October 22, 2008 | | 0 comments ]

My friend Guilherme came visiting from Amsterdam and we took the opportunity to go to a Son of Dave concert at the Botanique, a cultural centre in downtown Brussels. The activities that they have there are impressive!
The show was very good and we had great fun, what SOD does as a one man band is indeed amazing. But it was also a concert without surprises, as I had seen several performances of his on youtube and elsewhere. Google for him, it is certainly worth it.

[I've googled for you:
videos, loads of them!]

From 081018 Son of Dave at the Botanique

For those who don't know him, SOD is a former member of the Crash Test Dummies and performs using simple percussion, his voice, harmonica and a loop box. And that's it. Really cool.
More pictures on Picasa, as usual:
081018 Son of Dave at the Botanique


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