[Thursday, September 10, 2009 | | ]

Some of the first people I met in Hamburg in the Twitter community where Alex and Jan, from the Atenta recruiting firm. Their focus as headhunters is to use not only the internet, but also social media for recruitment. They are very innovative and have done some interesting project, like a job search engine for twitter (www.jobtweet.de) and the German language headhunting blog Wollmilchsau (www.personalberater-blog.de).

The name of this blog is interesting by itself: Wollmilchsau means something like “wool giving milk sow”. It comes from a German expression where you say that there isn’t such a thing like a female pig which gives milk, lays eggs and provides wool. And, in the end, companies are looking for employees who can do everything expertly. We all know that that doesn’t exist, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t keep looking.

Anyway, this blog has earned a good standing among corporate recruiters and headhunters in Germany, so, when Jan and Alex asked me to write a series of blog articles about the current job market situation from the perspective of a jobseeker, I gladly agreed.

I have written 5 articles already, 4 of which have been already published, but in German. My intent is to translate them to English and publish them here, with a certain delay. So far, the published articles are:

The links above take you to the original articles in German. The next one to be published deals with my job search during and after the MBA and the next one in the production pipe deals with my job search in 2009.

So let me get started translating the first blog article into English.